3 Day Adult Weekend Pass 1 Incl. Line Classic, Showcase, Team, Choreography (max 5.), Couples, Pro-Am & Pro-Pro € 90,- € 100,-
3 Day Junior Weekend Pass 1 Incl. Line Classic, Showcase, Team, Choreography (max 5.), Couples, Pro-Am & Pro-Pro € 70,- € 80,-
Adult Spectator Pass 3 Day Weekend Pass € 35,- €45,-
Junior Spectator Pass 3 Day Weekend Pass €`15,- € 25,-
Spectator Pass - Friday For Friday € 10,- € 12,50
Spectator Pass - Saturday For Saturday € 17,50 € 20,-
Spectator Pass - Saturday Evening For Saturday Evening € 7,50 € 10,-
Spectator Pass - Sunday For Sunday € 15,- € 17,50
Fee per Team Per Team € 30,- € 35,-
Fee per Dance When you enter more than 1 age divisioin you will have to pay fee (first age division is included) € 5,- € 10,-
Choreography When you enter more than 5 dances you will have to pay fee (5 choreography's are included) € 5,- € 10,-
Administration Fee Everyone must pay this to cover payment processing € 5,- € 5,-